Unveiling the Truth: Top 10 House Plant Myths Busted

Remo Singh
3 min readOct 5, 2023

Do you love the serene presence of greenery in the confines of your home, but are wary because of hearsay or misinformation? Don’t fret any longer. In this blog post, we’re uprooting some of the peskiest myths about house plants and replacing them with a foundation of facts.

Myth 1: All House Plants Require Lots of Sunlight
BUSTED: Not all plants have the same sunlight requirements. Many species, such as Snake Plant or ZZ Plant, are tolerant of low light, making them perfect for dimly lit rooms.

Myth 2: The More Water, the Better
BUSTED: Contrary to popular belief, overwatering is one of the leading killers of house plants. It’s essential to cater to the water requirements of your specific plant, keeping its natural habitat and species in mind.

Myth 3: Talking to Your Plants Helps Them Grow
TENTATIVE BUST: While there’s a belief that chatting to your ferns can produce a jungle, science isn’t so certain. Carbon dioxide does aid plant growth, but at such minute levels when we speak, it’s unlikely to have much effect.

Myth 4: You Can’t Kill a Cactus
BUSTED: Even cacti, common symbols of resilience, can die if not cared for appropriately, particularly from overwatering or exposure to freezing temperatures.

Myth 5: Plants Purify Indoor Air
PARTIAL BUST: While plants do play a role in filtering the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, you would need hundreds of plants in a single room to see any significant effect.

Myth 6: Myth #6: Applying Coffee Grounds to Plants Will Make Them Thrive
BUSTED: This can be true in moderation for acid-loving plants, but too much can damage your plants by altering soil composition and inhibiting growth.

Myth 7: Brown Leaves Mean Your Plant is Dying
BUSTED: Brown leaf tips or edges can simply indicate your plant isn’t getting adequate water, there’s too much sunlight, or humidity levels are too low.

Myth 8: All Plants are Pet Safe
BUSTED: Certain houseplants like Philodendrons and Pothos are toxic to pets when ingested. Always research a plant’s toxicity before making it a part of your interior decor.

Myth 9: Bigger Pots Help Plants Grow Bigger
BUSTED: A bigger pot can actually do more harm than good, leading to overwatering and root rot. A plant should only be repotted into a larger pot when it has outgrown its current one.

Myth 10: You Should Always Remove Dead Leaves
BUSTED: Though it does help keep the plant looking tidy, removing brown leaves isn’t always necessary. In some cases, plants can reabsorb the nutrients from dying leaves.

Let’s end on a note of truth rather than myth — growing and caring for house plants is a rewarding journey. It fills our homes with life, and us with a sense of nurturing. Now that these myths have been busted, remember that patience, observation, and consistent care will serve as your ‘green thumb’. As you gain experience, your bond with nature and knowledge about these living companions will grow, just like your plants!

If you are looking to track your plants, show them off to friends and family, or just want to set reminders for watering and pruning them, then check out this web app; Plants Galore. You can sign up for free and start using it today!



Remo Singh

A construction expert and a plant loving coder who likes to make new things, working towards a fair and equal society. Visit me @ https://www.remosingh.ca/